Arquivo do dia: 13 de novembro de 2005

The naked man (O homem nu)

Yesterday I saw a movie on TV (Canal Brasil) called "The naked
man" – it was funny to see the warning before the movie: "This movie
contains nudity scenes" – OH REALLY?!? Tell me something I don’t know 
Anyways, I was intrigued to see what kind of movie that was, and
it was directed by a well-known (and very good) brazilian actor called
Hugo Carvana, so I decided to watch, and it was extremely good,
heheheh!! If I’m not mistaken that movie was based on a short story by
Fernando Sabino (one of my fave writers!!!!) which was another reason
for it to be VERY good! But I won’t tell you the story, in case you
come to watch it sometime…I don’t want to ruin it for you

"Assim Deus criou o homem e a mulher: ‘Estavam nus e disso não se envergonhavam’

Aqui estamos todos nus: a nudez que nos irmana, com ou sem roupa,
nossa origem e nosso destino final neste mundo, vem a ser o símbolo
mais expressivo da nossa frágil condição humana por isso mesmo passível
de salvação aos olhos de Deus.

O pesadelo de ser ver numa situação embaraçosa e ridículo: descalço
em plena rua, de pijama numa festa, ou mesmo completamente despido à
vista de todos. Tal é a expressão de angústia através de um sonho que
quase todo mundo, desta ou daquela maneira, já experimentou pelo menos
uma vez.

O caso do homem nu é típico. Como pesadelo, poderia exprimir toda a
angústia do nosso tempo, largado num mundo cheio de contradições. Assim
eu quis a minha história; que decorresse dentro da mais singela
realidade – uma situação perfeitamente verossímil, vivida por alguém de
carne e osso, cuja nudez pudesse significar, ainda que de forma
grotesca ou simplesmente cômica, um segundo nascimento."

Categorias: Entertainment | 2 Comentários

Medical Alert

THE U.S. CENTER FOR DISEASE CONTROL has issued a warning about a
new, highly virulent strain of sexually transmitted disease that has been
detected in Brazil. This disease is contracted through dangerous and
high risk behavior.
The disease is called Gonorrhea Lectim (pronounced "gonna re-elect him").
Many victims have contracted it after
having been screwed for the past 4 years, in spite of having taken
measures to protect themselves
from this especially troublesome disease.
Cognitive sequellae of individuals
infected with Gonorrhea Lectim include, but are not limited to,
anti-social personality disorder traits; delusions of grandeur with a
distinct messianic flavor; chronic mangling
of all civilized
languages; extreme cognitive dissonance; inability to incorporate new
information, pronounced xenophobia and homophobia; inability to accept
responsibility for actions; exceptional cowardice masked by acts of
misplaced bravado; uncontrolled facial smirking; total ignorance of
geography and history; tendencies toward creating evangelical
theocracies and a strong propensity for categorical, all-or-nothing behavior.
The disease is sweeping Brazil. Naturalists and epidemiologists
are amazed and baffled that this malignant disease originated only a few
years ago in a small town in the northeastern state of Pernambuco, and has
strength in the suburbs of São Paulo. Beware of Gonorrhea Lectim, and
take all precautions possible, in order not to be infected.
The apex of this epidemic is expected to happen by October 2006,
but its results and consequences will last for four more years.
Categorias: Jokes | Deixe um comentário

Fuhcking metallll!!!!!!

Categorias: Quizzes and other curious stuff | 3 Comentários


Today I saw a reportage that said that the traffic of women is absurdly
high, about 350.000 women ever year!!!! They’re promised a job (like
baby-sitting or taking care of elderly people, something like that) in
another country (usually Suriname or Europe – Portugal, Spain, Italy or
Denmark), the woman accepts it, the bad guys arrange for their passport
and travel and all, and once the person gets there, they take away the
passport and basically imprisoning them, leaving the person moneyless
so that they have no alternative but to work as prostitutes in their
nightclubs or as drug dealers, and earning nothing for that, in a truly
slave regime. Other women have some of their organs removed (!) for the
traffic of organs…is that exploitation or what!!!!!!!

Unbelievable that this sort of thing still happens…and the
givernments can do little about it, because the women leave their
country on their own will, so there’s nothing they can do to forbid the
passports or travels of women they only suspect will be
exploited…isn’t that horrible? And shouldn’t there be some way
of  doing something against that type of thing??

Categorias: News and politics | 1 Comentário


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